Say “Hello” to My Beanie Babies!

It’s finally cold enough to don my knitted headwear. I recently bought two new beanies to add to the collection: one from the Blue Note Records store with its vintage logo, and one from vocalist Lauren Henderson I’ve named Bronto Beanie (the brontosaurus must be her spirit animal.) Yup, I be stylin’ and supportin’! My backyard buddies have been going crazy for the treats I’ve been putting out: the birdies love the suet and seeds, and the squirrels are appreciative of the butternut squash and apple cores (though they’ve yet to comment on my beanies.) Wood for the woodstove was delivered weeks ago, so we’re ready to roast anyone who decides to drop in unexpectedly (damn it, call first!)

Just to say I did; I watched the Grammy announcements last Tuesday and was perplexed by the use of a computerized or human (I really could not tell) voice to announce most of the nominees. Some people were live, like Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason, Jr.; one young man, a past Grammy winner, gave a pre-recorded nod to the efforts of the Grammys and blah blah blah, then snap, computerized Candice came back on and announced the nominees for the category. Why couldn’t he have done it? And then the mispronounced names! Now, God knows I’ve desecrated artists’ names during my shows (forgive me, Poland!), but as a Grammy presenter, I feel you should get it exactly right. With all the rotten eggs and vegetables thrown at the Grammys every single year, you’d think they’d have produced a more polished and personable presentation this year. Then there were those who had bones to pick (and praise) in their take on this year’s nominations. I’m not going there because I don’t have time…but let me end with congrats to the Grammy Jazz Categories 32-36 nominees and to all the other nominated Jazz and improvised music artists, producers, and magicians who feed our souls and minds with this music.


In my November 12 Facebook post, I let you know that our household was gifted with music by Frank Zappa (thank you, Teddy!) I must say that The Grand Wazoo (1972, with The Mothers of Invention) is pure aural euphoria and one of THE BEST releases that I’ve ever heard. Part of a “jazz-rock trilogy” of releases, the orchestration is meticulous, which makes listening to it effortless. Zappa had Jazz accoutrements and carried them with acerbic style.  

 Now this way…

Journalist Ted Gioia’s November 19 post brought back my memory of seeing the trio e.s.t. at Joe’s Pub in NYC years ago, one of THE BEST and most intimate performances I’ve ever attended. Guitarist Pat Metheny was diggin’ it beside me that night. Alack and alas, the group was no more (for a time) in 2008 after the death of its pianist Esbjörn Svensson. I remember saying out loud “Everything I love dies”; or more often, is discontinued (don’t get me started on my favorite Trader Joe’s mole sauce and fingerling potato chips.) The news is that Svensson’s widow and his frequently used sound engineer Åke Linton restored solo tracks found on Svensson’s computer and have release it (November 18) as Home.s. I cannot wait to sit with it quietly and enjoy it peacefully.

Welp, it’s about that time for me to take some time off for incredibly good behavir. If you need to catch up with me, feel free to contact me here, here, and/or here.


Le Repos


Ahh…Just a Moment with my Joe…